ODF Mobile App Release

As we reach the end of our two-year journey together, the ODF consortium is proud to announce that the three intellectual results of the project have been successfully finalised.

As it was established in the project proposal, the first two intellectual outputs (IO1 and IO2) were uploaded to the ODF Web App and are now also available on the newly released ODF Mobile App. The two apps constitute IO3.

We compiled fascinating information on each of the 8 technologies the project has set out to explore, as well as examples of companies that are already using them. Learn about the skills needed for each industry and explore our training recommendations if you want to work in a specific industry. We also examined the specific jobs for each field and provided information on the necessary skills and education. and presented job profiles and opportunities.

Additionally, we conducted engaging video interviews with 16 experts to provide you with an informed opinion on each sector’s requirements and specific challenges. Furthermore, we created 16 engaging lesson plans to assist VET career advisors in promoting these eight technologies during group or individual career sessions.

We invite you to explore these technologies on the ODF Web App and on the ODF Mobile App, available now for download on Google Play and App Store.