
INNOVED is a Greek educational and consulting organization merely focusing on knowledge and innovation transfer in the broader fields of education, lifelong learning and training; entrepreneurship and employment aspects; non formal learning and training methods with the usage of modern technologies.

The main mission of INNOVED is the promotion of knowledge, educational practices and opportunities to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. In order to accomplish its mission, INNOVED is operating in order to achieve to encourage, support and promote the innovative spirit in various areas such as:

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Our main area of activities covers the design of specialized trainings, the development of new learning methodologies and professionally prepared curriculums supported through a series of well integrated pilot procedures and evaluation (quality) approaches.

The members of the research staff have participated in a great variety of research programs in various European funding schemes (H2020, Interreg, Erasmus+, etc.) and regional innovation projects’ initiatives (ERDF, ESF).  The organizational objective is the development and the implementation of a broader spectrum of international educational initiatives that will enhance the broader community.

INNOVED offers a wide range of services. These comprise a range of integrated training, innovative and state of the art educational approaches as well as research opportunities through the implementation of various EU projects.  Additionally, this broad spectrum of training and educational services is further supported through the development of well-designed evaluation and assessment mechanisms.
